Source code for pronto.relationship

import datetime
import operator
import typing
from typing import Dict, Iterable, FrozenSet, Optional, Set, Tuple, Iterator

from .definition import Definition
from .entity import Entity, EntityData, EntitySet
from .logic import SubpropertiesIterator, SuperpropertiesIterator
from .logic.lineage import SubpropertiesHandler, SuperpropertiesHandler
from .pv import PropertyValue
from .synonym import SynonymData
from .utils.meta import typechecked
from .xref import Xref

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .ontology import Ontology
    from .term import Term

__all__ = ["Relationship", "RelationshipData", "RelationshipSet"]

[docs] class RelationshipData(EntityData): """Internal data storage of `Relationship` information.""" id: str anonymous: bool name: Optional[str] namespace: Optional[str] alternate_ids: Set[str] definition: Optional[Definition] comment: Optional[str] subsets: Set[str] synonyms: Set[SynonymData] xrefs: Set[Xref] annotations: Set[PropertyValue] domain: Optional[str] range: Optional[str] builtin: bool holds_over_chain: Set[Tuple[str, str]] antisymmetric: bool cyclic: bool reflexive: bool asymmetric: bool symmetric: bool transitive: bool functional: bool inverse_functional: bool intersection_of: Set[str] inverse_of: Optional[str] transitive_over: Set[str] equivalent_to_chain: Set[Tuple[str, str]] disjoint_over: Set[str] obsolete: bool created_by: Optional[str] creation_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] expand_assertion_to: Set[Definition] expand_expression_to: Set[Definition] metadata_tag: bool class_level: bool if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: __annotations__: Dict[str, str] __slots__ = tuple(__annotations__) # noqa: E0602 def __init__( self, id: str, anonymous: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, alternate_ids: Optional[Set[str]] = None, definition: Optional[Definition] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, subsets: Optional[Set[str]] = None, synonyms: Optional[Set[SynonymData]] = None, xrefs: Optional[Set[Xref]] = None, annotations: Optional[Set[PropertyValue]] = None, domain: Optional[str] = None, range: Optional[str] = None, builtin: bool = False, holds_over_chain: Optional[Set[Tuple[str, str]]] = None, antisymmetric: bool = False, cyclic: bool = False, reflexive: bool = False, asymmetric: bool = False, symmetric: bool = False, transitive: bool = False, functional: bool = False, inverse_functional: bool = False, intersection_of: Optional[Set[str]] = None, union_of: Optional[Set[str]] = None, equivalent_to: Optional[Set[str]] = None, disjoint_from: Optional[Set[str]] = None, inverse_of: Optional[str] = None, transitive_over: Optional[Set[str]] = None, equivalent_to_chain: Optional[Set[Tuple[str, str]]] = None, disjoint_over: Optional[Set[str]] = None, relationships: Optional[Dict[str, Set[str]]] = None, obsolete: bool = False, created_by: Optional[str] = None, creation_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, replaced_by: Optional[Set[str]] = None, consider: Optional[Set[str]] = None, expand_assertion_to: Optional[Set[Definition]] = None, expand_expression_to: Optional[Set[Definition]] = None, metadata_tag: bool = False, class_level: bool = False, ): = id self.anonymous = anonymous = name self.namespace = namespace self.alternate_ids = alternate_ids or set() self.definition = definition self.comment = comment self.subsets = subsets or set() self.synonyms = synonyms or set() self.xrefs = xrefs or set() self.annotations = annotations or set() self.domain = domain self.range = range self.builtin = builtin self.holds_over_chain = holds_over_chain or set() self.antisymmetric = antisymmetric self.cyclic = cyclic self.reflexive = reflexive self.asymmetric = asymmetric self.symmetric = symmetric self.transitive = transitive self.functional = functional self.inverse_functional = inverse_functional self.intersection_of = intersection_of or set() self.union_of = union_of or set() self.equivalent_to = equivalent_to or set() self.disjoint_from = disjoint_from or set() self.inverse_of = inverse_of self.transitive_over = transitive_over or set() self.equivalent_to_chain = equivalent_to_chain or set() self.disjoint_over = disjoint_over or set() self.relationships = relationships or dict() self.obsolete = obsolete self.created_by = created_by self.creation_date = creation_date self.replaced_by = replaced_by or set() self.consider = consider or set() self.expand_assertion_to = expand_assertion_to or set() self.expand_expression_to = expand_expression_to or set() self.metadata_tag = metadata_tag self.class_level = class_level
class RelationshipSet(EntitySet["Relationship"]): """A specialized mutable set to store `Relationship` instances.""" # --- Magic methods ------------------------------------------------------ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator["Relationship"]: return map(lambda t: self._ontology.get_relationship(t), iter(self._ids)) # type: ignore # --- Methods --------------------------------------------------------- def subproperties( self, distance: Optional[int] = None, with_self: bool = True ) -> SubpropertiesIterator: """Get an iterator over the subproperties of all relationships in the set.""" return SubpropertiesIterator(*self, distance=distance, with_self=with_self) def superproperties( self, distance: Optional[int] = None, with_self: bool = True ) -> SuperpropertiesIterator: """Get an iterator over the superproperties of all relationships in the set. Example: >>> pato = pronto.Ontology("pato.obo") >>> proportionality_to = pato["PATO:0001470"] >>> quality_mapping = pronto.RelationshipSet( ... r for r in pato.relationships() ... if r.domain == proportionality_to ... ) >>> sorted(quality_mapping.subproperties().to_set().ids) ['has_dividend_entity', 'has_dividend_quality', ... """ return SuperpropertiesIterator(*self, distance=distance, with_self=with_self)
[docs] class Relationship(Entity["RelationshipData", "RelationshipSet"]): """A relationship, constitute the edges of the ontology graph. Also sometimes refered as typedefs, relationship types, properties or predicates. Formally equivalent to a property (either ``ObjectProperty`` or ``AnnotationProperty``) in OWL2. """ if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, ontology: "Ontology", reldata: "RelationshipData"): super().__init__(ontology, reldata) def _data(self) -> "RelationshipData": return typing.cast("RelationshipData", super()._data()) # --- Associated type variables ------------------------------------------ _Set = RelationshipSet _data_getter = operator.attrgetter("_relationships") # --- Methods ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def subproperties( self, distance: Optional[int] = None, with_self: bool = True ) -> "SubpropertiesHandler": """Get an handle over the subproperties of this `Relationship`. Arguments: distance (int, optional): The maximum distance between this relationship and the yielded subproperties (`0` for the relationship itself, `1` for its immediate children, etc.). Use `None` to explore the entire directed graph transitively. with_self (bool): Whether or not to include the current term in the terms being yielded. RDF semantics state that the ``rdfs:subClassOf`` property is reflexive (and therefore is ``rdfs:subPropertyOf`` reflexive too by transitivity), so this is enabled by default, but in most practical cases only the distinct subproperties are desired. """ return SubpropertiesHandler(self, distance=distance, with_self=with_self)
[docs] def superproperties( self, distance: Optional[int] = None, with_self: bool = True ) -> "SuperpropertiesHandler": """Get an handle over the superproperties of this `Relationship`. In order to follow the semantics of ``rdf:subPropertyOf``, which in turn respects the mathematical definition of subset inclusion, ``is_a`` is defined as a transitive relationship, hence the inverse relationship is also transitive by closure property. Arguments: distance (int, optional): The maximum distance between this relationship and the yielded subperoperties (`0` for the relationship itself, `1` for its immediate parents, etc.). Use `None` to explore the entire directed graph transitively. with_self (bool): Whether or not to include the current term in the terms being yielded. RDF semantics state that the ``rdfs:subClassOf`` property is transitive (and therefore is ``rdfs:subPropertyOf`` transitive too), so this is enabled by default, but in most practical cases only the distinct subproperties are desired. """ return SuperpropertiesHandler(self, distance=distance, with_self=with_self)
# --- Attributes --------------------------------------------------------- @property def antisymmetric(self) -> bool: """`bool`: Whether this relationship is anti-symmetric.""" return self._data().antisymmetric @antisymmetric.setter # type: ignore @typechecked(property=True) def antisymmetric(self, value: bool) -> None: self._data().antisymmetric = value @property def asymmetric(self) -> bool: """`bool`: Whether this relationship is asymmetric.""" return self._data().asymmetric @asymmetric.setter # type: ignore @typechecked(property=True) def asymmetric(self, value: bool) -> None: self._data().asymmetric = value @property def class_level(self) -> bool: """`bool`: Whether this relationship is applied at class level. This tag affects how OBO ``relationship`` tags should be translated in OWL2: by default, all relationship tags are taken to mean an all-some relation over an instance level relation. With this flag set to `True`, the relationship will be translated to an `owl:hasValue` restriction. """ return self._data().class_level @class_level.setter # type: ignore @typechecked(property=True) def class_level(self, value: bool) -> None: self._data().class_level = value @property def cyclic(self) -> bool: """`bool`: Whether this relationship is cyclic.""" return self._data().cyclic @cyclic.setter # type: ignore @typechecked(property=True) def cyclic(self, value: bool) -> None: self._data().cyclic = value @property def disjoint_over(self) -> "RelationshipSet": """`frozenset`: The relationships this relationships is disjoint over.""" s = RelationshipSet() s._ids = self._data().disjoint_over s._ontology = self._ontology() return s @property def domain(self) -> Optional["Term"]: """`Term` or `None`: The domain of the relationship, if any.""" data, ontology = self._data(), self._ontology() if data.domain is not None: return ontology.get_term(data.domain) return None @domain.setter def domain(self, value: Optional["Term"]) -> None: rshipdata, ontology = self._data(), self._ontology() if value is not None: try: ontology.get_term( except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"{value} is not a term in {ontology}") rshipdata.domain = if value is not None else None @property def equivalent_to_chain(self) -> FrozenSet[Tuple["Relationship", "Relationship"]]: return frozenset( { tuple(map(self._ontology().get_relationship, chain)) for chain in self._data().equivalent_to_chain } ) @equivalent_to_chain.setter def equivalent_to_chain(self, equivalent_to_chain: Iterable[Tuple["Relationship", "Relationship"]]): data = self._data() data.equivalent_to_chain = { (, for r1, r2 in equivalent_to_chain } @property def expand_assertion_to(self) -> FrozenSet[Definition]: return frozenset(self._data().expand_assertion_to) @property def expand_expression_to(self) -> FrozenSet[Definition]: return frozenset(self._data().expand_expression_to) @property def functional(self) -> bool: """`bool`: Whether this relationship is functional.""" return self._data().functional @functional.setter # type: ignore @typechecked(property=True) def functional(self, value: bool) -> None: self._data().functional = value @property def inverse_functional(self) -> bool: """`bool`: Whether this relationship is inverse functional.""" return self._data().inverse_functional @inverse_functional.setter # type: ignore @typechecked(property=True) def inverse_functional(self, value: bool) -> None: self._data().inverse_functional = value @property def metadata_tag(self) -> bool: """`bool`: Whether or not this relationship is a metadata tag. This tag affects how OBO typedefs should be translated in OWL2: by default, all typedef tags are translated to an `owl:ObjectProperty`. With this flag set to `True`, the typedef will be translated to an `owl:AnnotationProperty`. """ return self._data().metadata_tag @metadata_tag.setter # type: ignore @typechecked(property=True) def metadata_tag(self, value: bool): self._data().metadata_tag = value @property def holds_over_chain(self) -> FrozenSet[Tuple["Relationship", "Relationship"]]: """`frozenset` of `Relationship` couples: The chains this relationship holds over.""" ont: "Ontology" = self._ontology() data: "RelationshipData" = self._data() return frozenset( tuple(map(ont.get_term, chain)) for chain in data.holds_over_chain ) @holds_over_chain.setter def holds_over_chain(self, holds_over_chain: Iterable[Tuple["Relationship", "Relationship"]]) -> None: data: "RelationshipData" = self._data() data.holds_over_chain = { (, for r1, r2 in holds_over_chain } @property def inverse_of(self) -> Optional["Relationship"]: """`Relationship` or `None`: The inverse of this relationship, if any.""" ont, reldata = self._ontology(), self._data() if reldata.inverse_of is not None: return ont.get_relationship(reldata.inverse_of) return None @inverse_of.setter def inverse_of(self, value: Optional["Relationship"]): self._data().inverse_of = None if value is None else @property def intersection_of(self) -> "RelationshipSet": """`RelationshipSet`: The relations this relationship is an intersection of.""" s = RelationshipSet() s._ids = self._data().intersection_of s._ontology = self._ontology() return s @property def range(self) -> Optional["Term"]: """`Term` or `None`: The range of the relationship, if any.""" range, ont = self._data().range, self._ontology() return ont.get_term(range) if range is not None else None @range.setter def range(self, value: Optional["Term"]): if value is not None: try: self._ontology().get_term( except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"{value} is not in {self._ontology()}") self._data().range = if value is not None else None @property def reflexive(self) -> bool: """`bool`: Whether or not the relationship is reflexive.""" return self._data().reflexive @reflexive.setter # type: ignore @typechecked(property=True) def reflexive(self, value: bool): self._data().reflexive = value @property def symmetric(self) -> bool: """`bool`: Whether or not the relationship is symmetric.""" return self._data().symmetric @symmetric.setter # type: ignore @typechecked(property=True) def symmetric(self, value: bool): self._data().symmetric = value @property def transitive(self) -> bool: """`bool`: Whether or not the relationship is transitive.""" return self._data().transitive @transitive.setter # type: ignore @typechecked(property=True) def transitive(self, value: bool): self._data().transitive = value @property def transitive_over(self) -> "RelationshipSet": """`RelationshipSet`: The relations this relationship is transitive over.""" s = RelationshipSet() s._ids = self._data().transitive_over s._ontology = self._ontology() return s
# TODO: remove in v3.0.0 _BUILTINS = { "is_a": RelationshipData( id="is_a", anonymous=False, name="is a", namespace=None, alternate_ids=None, definition=Definition( "A subclassing relationship between one term and another", xrefs=set( { Xref( "" ) } ), ), comment=None, subsets=None, synonyms=None, xrefs=None, annotations=None, domain=None, range=None, builtin=True, holds_over_chain=None, antisymmetric=True, cyclic=True, reflexive=True, asymmetric=False, symmetric=False, transitive=True, functional=False, inverse_functional=False, intersection_of=None, union_of=None, equivalent_to=None, disjoint_from=None, inverse_of=None, transitive_over=None, equivalent_to_chain=None, disjoint_over=None, relationships=None, obsolete=False, created_by=None, creation_date=None, replaced_by=None, consider=None, expand_assertion_to=None, # TODO expand_expression_to=None, # TODO metadata_tag=False, class_level=True, ) }