Source code for pronto.ontology

import datetime
import itertools
import io
import typing
import os
import urllib.parse
from typing import BinaryIO, Dict, Iterator, Mapping, Optional, Set, Union

import contexter
import fastobo

from . import relationship
from .term import Term, TermData
from .synonym import SynonymType
from .relationship import Relationship, RelationshipData
from .metadata import Metadata
from import decompress, get_handle, get_location
from .utils.iter import SizedIterator
from .utils.meta import roundrepr, typechecked
from .utils.impl import set

[docs]class Ontology(Mapping[str, Union[Term, Relationship]]): """An ontology storing terms and the relationships between them. Ontologies can be loaded with ``pronto`` if they are serialized in any of the following ontology languages and formats at the moment: - `Ontology Web Language 2 <>`_ in `RDF/XML format <>`_. - `Open Biomedical Ontologies 1.4 <>`_. - `OBO graphs <>`_ in `JSON <>`_ format. Attributes: metadata (Metadata): A data structure storing the metadata about the current ontology, either extracted from the ``owl:Ontology`` XML element or from the header of the OBO file. timeout (int): The timeout in seconds to use when performing network I/O, for instance when connecting to the OBO library to download imports. This is kept for reference, as it is not used after the initialization of the ontology. imports (~typing.Dict[str, Ontology]): A dictionary mapping references found in the import section of the metadata to resolved `Ontology` instances. Caution: `Ontology` instances share all the data about a deserialized ontology file as well as all of its imports, and contains entities which can be created or viewed with several dedicated methods. These instances, however, **must not outlive the ontology object instead**, as they are only view-models (in the `design pattern sense of the definition <>`_). """ # Public attributes import_depth: int timeout: int imports: Dict[str, "Ontology"] # Private attributes _terms: Dict[str, TermData] _relationships: Dict[str, RelationshipData] _subclassing_cache: Optional[Dict[str, Set[str]]] # cache for `Term.subclasses` # --- Constructors -------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def from_obo_library( cls, slug: str, import_depth: int = -1, timeout: int = 5 ) -> "Ontology": """Create an `Ontology` from a file in the OBO Library. This is basically just a shortcut constructor to avoid typing the full OBO Library URL each time. Arguments: slug (str): The filename of the ontology release to download from the OBO Library, including the file extension (should be one of ``.obo``, ``.owl`` or ``.json``). import_depth (int): The maximum depth of imports to resolve in the ontology tree. *Note that the library may not behave correctly when not importing the complete dependency tree, so you should probably use the default value and import everything*. timeout (int): The timeout in seconds to use when performing network I/O, for instance when connecting to the OBO library to download imports. Example: >>> ms = pronto.Ontology.from_obo_library("apo.obo") >>> ms.metadata.ontology 'apo' >>> ms.path '' """ return cls(f"{slug}", import_depth, timeout)
[docs] def __init__( self, handle: Union[BinaryIO, str, None] = None, import_depth: int = -1, timeout: int = 5, cache: bool = True, ): """Create a new `Ontology` instance. Arguments: handle (str, ~typing.BinaryIO, or None): Either the path to a file or a binary file handle that contains a serialized version of the ontology. If `None` is given, an empty `Ontology` is returned and can be populated manually. import_depth (int): The maximum depth of imports to resolve in the ontology tree. *Note that the library may not behave correctly when not importing the complete dependency tree, so you should probably use the default value and import everything*. timeout (int): The timeout in seconds to use when performing network I/O, for instance when connecting to the OBO library to download imports. cache (bool): Enable caching of subclassing relationships to make `Term.subclasses` much faster, at the cost of a slightly longer parsing step (about 5% of the total time). Raises: TypeError: When the given ``handle`` could not be used to parse and ontology. ValueError: When the given ``handle`` contains a serialized ontology not supported by any of the builtin parsers. """ from .parsers import BaseParser with contexter.Contexter() as ctx: self.import_depth = import_depth self.timeout = timeout self.imports = dict() self._subclassing_cache = dict() if cache else None self._terms: Dict[str, TermData] = {} self._relationships: Dict[str, RelationshipData] = {} # Creating an ontology from scratch is supported if handle is None: self.metadata = Metadata() self.path = self.handle = None return # Get the path and the handle from arguments if isinstance(handle, str): self.path: str = handle self.handle = ctx << get_handle(handle, timeout) _handle = ctx << decompress(self.handle) elif hasattr(handle, "read"): self.path: str = get_location(handle) self.handle = handle _handle = decompress(self.handle) else: raise TypeError(f"could not parse ontology from {handle!r}") # Parse the ontology using the appropriate parser buffer = _handle.peek(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) for cls in BaseParser.__subclasses__(): if cls.can_parse(typing.cast(str, self.path), buffer): cls(self).parse_from(_handle) break else: raise ValueError(f"could not find a parser to parse {handle!r}") # Populate the subclassing cache if cache: self._build_subclassing_cache()
# --- Magic Methods ------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of entities in the ontology. This method takes into accounts the terms and the relationships defined in the current ontology as well as all of its imports. To only count terms or relationships, use `len` on the iterator returned by the dedicated methods (e.g. ``len(ontology.terms())``). Example: >>> ms = pronto.Ontology.from_obo_library("ms.obo") >>> len(ms) 6023 >>> len(ms.terms()) 5995 >>> len(ms.relationships()) 28 """ return ( len(self._terms) + len(self._relationships) + sum(map(len, self.imports.values())) )
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> SizedIterator[str]: """Yield the identifiers of all the entities part of the ontology. """ terms, relationships = self.terms(), self.relationships() return SizedIterator( ( for entity in itertools.chain(terms, relationships)), length=len(terms) + len(relationships), )
def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool: return ( any(item in i for i in self.imports.values()) or item in self._terms or item in self._relationships or item in relationship._BUILTINS )
[docs] def __getitem__(self, id: str) -> Union[Term, Relationship]: """Get any entity in the ontology graph with the given identifier. """ try: return self.get_relationship(id) except KeyError: pass try: return self.get_term(id) except KeyError: pass raise KeyError(id)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Return a textual representation of `self` that should roundtrip. """ args = (self.path,) if self.path is not None else (self.handle,) kwargs = {"timeout": (self.timeout, 5)} if self.import_depth > 0: kwargs["import_depth"] = (self.import_depth, -1) return roundrepr.make("Ontology", *args, **kwargs)
# --- Private helpers ---------------------------------------------------- def _build_subclassing_cache(self): graph = self._subclassing_cache graph.clear() for t in self.terms(): for t2 in t._data().relationships.get("is_a", ()): graph.setdefault(t2, set()).add( # --- Serialization utils ------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dump(self, file: BinaryIO, format: str = "obo"): """Serialize the ontology to a given file-handle. Arguments: file (~typing.BinaryIO): A binary file handle open in reading mode to write the serialized ontology into. format (str): The serialization format to use. Currently supported formats are: **obo**, **obojson**. Example: >>> ms = pronto.Ontology.from_obo_library("ms.obo") >>> with open("ms.json", "wb") as f: ... ms.dump(f) """ from .serializers import BaseSerializer for cls in BaseSerializer.__subclasses__(): if cls.format == format: cls(self).dump(file) break else: raise ValueError(f"could not find a serializer to handle {format!r}")
[docs] def dumps(self, format: str = "obo") -> str: """Get a textual representation of the serialization ontology. """ s = io.BytesIO() self.dump(s, format=format) return s.getvalue().decode('utf-8')
# --- Data accessors -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def terms(self) -> SizedIterator[Term]: """Iterate over the terms of the ontology graph. """ return SizedIterator( itertools.chain( ( Term(self, t._data()) for ref in self.imports.values() for t in ref.terms() ), (Term(self, t) for t in self._terms.values()), ), length=( sum(len(r.terms()) for r in self.imports.values()) + len(self._terms) ), )
[docs] def relationships(self) -> SizedIterator[Relationship]: """Iterate over the relationships of the ontology graph. Builtin relationships (``is_a``) are not part of the yielded entities, yet they can still be accessed with the `Ontology.get_relationship` method. """ return SizedIterator( itertools.chain( ( Relationship(self, r._data()) for ref in self.imports.values() for r in ref.relationships() ), (self.get_relationship(r) for r in self._relationships), ), length=( sum(len(r.relationships()) for r in self.imports.values()) + len(self._relationships) ), )
[docs] @typechecked() def create_term(self, id: str) -> Term: """Create a new term with the given identifier. Returns: `Term`: the newly created term view, which attributes can the be modified directly. Raises: ValueError: if the provided ``id`` already identifies an entity in the ontology graph, or if it is not a valid OBO identifier. """ if id in self: raise ValueError(f"identifier already in use: {id} ({self[id]})") self._terms[id] = termdata = TermData(id) return Term(self, termdata)
[docs] @typechecked() def create_relationship(self, id: str) -> Relationship: """Create a new relationship with the given identifier. Raises: ValueError: if the provided ``id`` already identifies an entity in the ontology graph. """ if id in self: raise ValueError(f"identifier already in use: {id} ({self[id]})") self._relationships[id] = reldata = RelationshipData(id) return Relationship(self, reldata)
[docs] @typechecked() def get_term(self, id: str) -> Term: """Get a term in the ontology graph from the given identifier. Raises: KeyError: if the provided ``id`` cannot be found in the terms of the ontology graph. """ try: return Term(self, self._terms[id]) except KeyError: pass for dep in self.imports.values(): try: return Term(self, dep.get_term(id)._data()) except KeyError: pass raise KeyError(id)
[docs] @typechecked() def get_relationship(self, id: str) -> Relationship: """Get a relationship in the ontology graph from the given identifier. Builtin ontologies (``is_a`` and ``has_subclass``) can be accessed with this method. Raises: KeyError: if the provided ``id`` cannot be found in the relationships of the ontology graph. """ try: return Relationship(self, self._relationships[id]) except KeyError: pass try: return Relationship(self, relationship._BUILTINS[id]) except KeyError: pass for dep in self.imports.values(): try: return Relationship(self, dep.get_relationship(id)._data()) except KeyError: pass raise KeyError(id)