API Reference ============== .. currentmodule:: pronto .. automodule:: pronto Ontology -------- An abstraction over a :math:`\mathcal{SHOIN}^\mathcal{(D)}` ontology. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :template: summary.rst :toctree: api/ pronto.Ontology View Layer ---------- The following classes are part of the view layer, and store references to the ontology/entity they were declared in for verification purposes. For instance, this let ``pronto`` check that a `Synonym` type can only be changed for a type declared in the `Ontology` header. Because of this reason, none of these classes should be created manually, but obtained from methods of existing `Ontology` or `Entity` instances, such as `Ontology.get_term` to get a new `Term`. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :template: summary.rst :toctree: api/ pronto.Entity pronto.Relationship pronto.Synonym pronto.Term pronto.TermSet Model Layer ----------- The following classes are technically part of the data layer, but because they can be lightweight enough to be instantiated directly, they can also be passed to certain functions or properties of the view layer. *Basically, these classes are not worth to implement following the view-model pattern so they can be accessed and mutated directly.* .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :template: summary.rst :toctree: api/ pronto.Metadata pronto.Definition pronto.Subset pronto.SynonymType pronto.LiteralPropertyValue pronto.ResourcePropertyValue pronto.Xref Data Layer ---------- The following classes are from the data layer, and store the data extracted from ontology files. There is probably no point in using them directly, with the exception of custom parser implementations. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :template: summary.rst :toctree: api/ pronto.RelationshipData pronto.SynonymData pronto.TermData Warnings -------- .. toctree:: :hidden: warnings .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: pronto.warnings.ProntoWarning pronto.warnings.NotImplementedWarning pronto.warnings.SyntaxWarning pronto.warnings.UnstableWarning