Source code for pronto.term

import datetime
import itertools
import operator
import typing
import warnings
from typing import (

from . import relationship
from .definition import Definition
from .entity import Entity, EntityData, EntitySet
from .logic import SubclassesIterator, SuperclassesIterator
from .logic.lineage import SubclassesHandler, SuperclassesHandler
from .pv import PropertyValue
from .relationship import Relationship
from .synonym import SynonymData
from .utils.meta import typechecked
from .xref import Xref

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .ontology import Ontology

__all__ = ["TermData", "Term", "TermSet"]

[docs]class TermData(EntityData): # noqa: R0902, R0903 """Internal data storage of `Term` information.""" id: str anonymous: bool name: Optional[str] alternate_ids: Set[str] definition: Optional[Definition] comment: Optional[str] synonyms: Set[SynonymData] subsets: Set[str] namespace: Optional[str] xrefs: Set[Xref] intersection_of: Set[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]] obsolete: bool builtin: bool created_by: Optional[str] creation_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] annotations: Set[PropertyValue] if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: __annotations__: Dict[str, str] __slots__ = tuple(__annotations__) # noqa: E0602 def __init__( self, id, anonymous=False, name=None, alternate_ids=None, definition=None, comment=None, synonyms=None, subsets=None, namespace=None, xrefs=None, intersection_of=None, union_of=None, disjoint_from=None, relationships=None, obsolete=False, replaced_by=None, consider=None, builtin=False, created_by=None, creation_date=None, equivalent_to=None, annotations=None, ): = id self.anonymous = anonymous = name self.alternate_ids = alternate_ids or set() self.definition = definition self.comment = comment self.synonyms = synonyms or set() self.subsets = subsets or set() self.namespace = namespace or None self.xrefs = xrefs or set() self.intersection_of = intersection_of or set() self.union_of = union_of or set() self.disjoint_from = disjoint_from or set() self.relationships = relationships or dict() self.obsolete = obsolete self.replaced_by = replaced_by or set() self.consider = consider or set() self.builtin = builtin self.created_by = created_by self.creation_date = creation_date self.equivalent_to = equivalent_to or set() self.annotations = annotations or set()
[docs]class TermSet(EntitySet["Term"]): """A specialized mutable set to store `Term` instances.""" # --- Methods ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def subclasses( self, distance: Optional[int] = None, with_self: bool = True ) -> SubclassesIterator: """Get an iterator over the subclasses of all terms in the set. Caution: Contrary to `Term.subclasses`, this method **does not** return a handler that lets you edit the subclasses directly. Adding a new subclass to all the members of the set must be done explicitly. """ return SubclassesIterator(*self, distance=distance, with_self=with_self)
[docs] def superclasses( self, distance: Optional[int] = None, with_self: bool = True ) -> SuperclassesIterator: """Get an iterator over the superclasses of all terms in the set. Example: >>> ms = pronto.Ontology("ms.obo") >>> s = pronto.TermSet({ms['MS:1000122'], ms['MS:1000124']}) >>> s.superclasses(with_self=False).to_set().ids frozenset({'MS:1000031'}) >>> ms["MS:1000031"] Term('MS:1000031', name='instrument model') """ return SuperclassesIterator(*self, distance=distance, with_self=with_self)
[docs]class Term(Entity["TermData", "TermSet"]): """A term, corresponding to a node in the ontology graph. Formally a `Term` frame is equivalent to an ``owl:Class`` declaration in OWL2 language. However, some constructs may not be possible to express in both OBO and OWL2. `Term` should not be manually instantiated, but obtained from an existing `Ontology` instance, using either the `~Ontology.create_term` or the `~Ontology.get_term` method. """ if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, ontology: "Ontology", termdata: "TermData"): super().__init__(ontology, termdata) def _data(self) -> "TermData": return typing.cast("TermData", super()._data()) # --- Associated type variables ------------------------------------------ _Set = TermSet _data_getter = operator.attrgetter("_terms") # --- Methods ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def objects(self, r: Relationship) -> Iterator["Term"]: """Iterate over the terms ``t`` verifying ``self · r · t``. Example: >>> go = pronto.Ontology.from_obo_library("go.obo") >>> go['GO:0048870'] Term('GO:0048870', name='cell motility') >>> list(go['GO:0048870'].objects(go['part_of'])) [Term('GO:0051674', name='localization of cell')] Todo: Make `Term.objects` take in account ``holds_over_chain`` and ``transitive_over`` values of the relationship it is building an iterator with. """ # delegate import of NetworkX import networkx if r._data() is relationship._BUILTINS["is_a"]: warnings.warn( "using the `is_a` relationship with `Term.objects` will not be " "supported in future versions, use `Term.superclasses` instead.", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.superclasses() g = networkx.MultiDiGraph() ont = self._ontology() # Build the graph for t in ont.terms(): g.add_node( for (rel, terms) in t.relationships.items(): for t2 in terms: g.add_edge(,, if rel.symmetric: g.add_edge(,, elif rel.inverse_of is not None: g.add_edge(,, # Search objects terms red, done = set(), set() is_red = red.__contains__ frontier = {} # Initial connected components if r.reflexive: red.add( yield self for other in g.neighbors( if in g.get_edge_data(, other): red.add(other) yield ont.get_term(other) # Explore the graph while frontier: node = frontier.pop() frontier.update(n for n in g.neighbors(node) if n not in done) if is_red(node) and r.transitive: for other in itertools.filterfalse(is_red, g.neighbors(node)): if in g.get_edge_data(node, other): red.add(other) yield ont.get_term(other) done.add(node)
[docs] def superclasses( self, distance: Optional[int] = None, with_self: bool = True, ) -> "SuperclassesHandler": """Get an handle over the superclasses of this `Term`. In order to follow the semantics of ``rdf:subClassOf``, which in turn respects the mathematical definition of subset inclusion, ``is_a`` is defined as a reflexive relationship, and so is its inverse relationship. Arguments: distance (int, optional): The maximum distance between this term and the yielded superclass (`0` for the term itself, `1` for its immediate superclasses, etc.). Use `None` to explore transitively the entire directed graph. with_self (bool): Whether or not to include the current term in the terms being yielded. RDF semantics state that the ``rdfs:subClassOf`` property is reflexive, so this is enabled by default, but in most practical cases only the distinct subclasses are desired. Yields: `Term`: Superclasses of the selected term, breadth-first. The first element is always the term itself, use `itertools.islice` to skip it. Example: >>> ms = pronto.Ontology.from_obo_library("ms.obo") >>> sup = iter(ms['MS:1000143'].superclasses()) >>> next(sup) Term('MS:1000143', name='API 150EX') >>> next(sup) Term('MS:1000121', name='SCIEX instrument model') >>> next(sup) Term('MS:1000031', name='instrument model') Note: The time complexity for this algorithm is in :math:`O(n)`, where :math:`n` is the number of subclasses of initial term. See Also: The `RDF Schema 1.1 <>`_ specification, defining the ``rdfs:subClassOf`` property, which the ``is_a`` relationship is translated to in OWL2 language. """ return SuperclassesHandler(self, distance=distance, with_self=with_self)
[docs] def subclasses( self, distance: Optional[int] = None, with_self: bool = True, ) -> "SubclassesHandler": """Get an handle over the subclasses of this `Term`. Arguments: distance (int, optional): The maximum distance between this term and the yielded subclass (`0` for the term itself, `1` for its immediate children, etc.). Use `None` to explore the entire directed graph transitively. with_self (bool): Whether or not to include the current term in the terms being yielded. RDF semantics state that the ``rdfs:subClassOf`` property is reflexive, so this is enabled by default, but in most practical cases only the distinct subclasses are desired. Yields: `Term`: Subclasses of the selected term, breadth-first. The first element is always the term itself, use `itertools.islice` to skip it. Example: >>> ms = pronto.Ontology.from_obo_library("ms.obo") >>> sub = iter(ms['MS:1000031'].subclasses()) >>> next(sub) Term('MS:1000031', name='instrument model') >>> next(sub) Term('MS:1000121', name='SCIEX instrument model') >>> next(sub) Term('MS:1000122', name='Bruker Daltonics instrument model') Hint: Use the ``to_set`` method of the returned iterator to efficiently collect all subclasses into a `TermSet`. Note: This method has a runtime that is :math:`O(n)` where :math:`n` is the number of subclasses of the initial term. While OBO and OWL only explicit the *superclassing* relationship (equivalent to the ``rdfs:subClassOf`` property in RDF), we can build a cache that stores the edges of the resulting knowledge graph in an index accessible by both endpoints of each edge. """ return SubclassesHandler(self, distance=distance, with_self=with_self)
[docs] def is_leaf(self) -> bool: """Check whether the term is a leaf in the ontology. We define leaves as nodes in the ontology which do not have subclasses since the subclassing relationship is directed and can be used to create a DAG of all the terms in the ontology. Example: >>> ms = pronto.Ontology.from_obo_library("ms.obo") >>> ms['MS:1000031'].is_leaf() # instrument model False >>> ms['MS:1001792'].is_leaf() # Xevo TQ-S True Note: This method has a runtime of :math:`O(1)` as `Ontology` objects internally cache the subclasses of each term. """ return not self._ontology()._terms.lineage[].sub
# --- Attributes --------------------------------------------------------- @property def intersection_of(self) -> FrozenSet[Union["Term", Tuple[Relationship, "Term"]]]: """`frozenset`: The terms this term is an intersection of.""" ont, termdata = self._ontology(), self._data() intersection_of: List[Union["Term", Tuple[Relationship, "Term"]]] = [] for item in termdata.intersection_of: if isinstance(item, str): intersection_of.append(ont.get_term(typing.cast(str, item))) else: r, t = item intersection_of.append((ont.get_relationship(r), ont.get_term(t))) return frozenset(intersection_of) @intersection_of.setter def intersection_of( self, intersection_of: Iterable[Union["Term", Tuple[Relationship, "Term"]]] ): data = set() for item in intersection_of: if isinstance(item, Term): data.add( elif isinstance(item, and len(item) == 2: rel, term = item # type: ignore data.add((, # type: ignore else: msg = "expected iterable of `Term` or `Relationship`, `Term` couple, found: {}" raise TypeError(msg.format(type(item).__name__)) self._data().intersection_of = data